Card Meaning: Five Of Wands
We see a group of five equally matched figures in the middle of the clash.
It is obviously everyone against everyone situation. We can connect this image
with everyday problems and obstacles that impair our progress. Every now and
than our plans are unexpectedly challenged by many little things we don't
expect. When little problems become numerous it can cause a significant strain
on one's enthusiasm and energy. It is about setting priorities and
calmy resolving issues one after other. Generally speaking we will hardly ever
witness any great work done and finshed without obstacles on the way, The lesson
of this card is to be prepared and not to lose calmness. Another theme of this
card are opposing ideas. Maybe the strife is in our head. That is another point
when we must set our priorities and see what is the best solution for ourselves
and stop wasting energy on vacillation and procrastination.
almost there, resolving doubts, ask yourself what is it that you really want,
discussion about creative endavour.
Negative: obstacles, strife, agitation, excessive
competition, trickery, indecision, stress, engaging in the battle, annoyance.
A posse of youths, who are brandishing staves, as if in sport or strife. It
is mimic warfare, and hereto correspond the Divinatory Meanings:
Imitation, as, for example, sham fight, but also the strenuous competition and
struggle of the search after riches and fortune. In this sense it connects with
the battle of life. Hence some attributions say that it is a card of gold, gain,
opulence. Reversed: Litigation, disputes, trickery, contradiction.
— The Pictorial Key to the Tarot, by A.E. Waite